Bad Lieutenant (1992)

Bad Lieutenant (1992). What episode is this? Nine? Well, it didn’t take us too long to dive into one of the world’s most famous dick scenes, and the father of all male nudity, or may I call him Penis Papa?: Harvey Keitel. I need to make a #penispapa for my IG posts…

Directed by Abel Ferrara, this is a visceral, hard-to-watch film that is truly unforgettable. I laughed when I was uncomfortable, which is a lot, so I might have sounded like a maniac while watching this. Trigger warning: there is a rape scene in this film. Usually when I see a rape warning before I film I try to skip it. Who needs that in their lives? Well, hopefully you can stomach it for this film, and actually, you get all the full frontal before that scene even happens. Stick it out, though, I don’t think you’ll regret it. Penis Papa Keitel is truly giving it everything he has and more, and it’s really a marvel to watch.

Ryan owned the Region 2 UK version, and we didn’t see it on streaming at the time of writing this blog post, but if it comes up when we premiere the episode, we’ll let you know on Instagram.

Enjoy our first Keitel episode, there will be more where that came from.


Sideways (2004)


An American Werewolf in London (1981)